Introducing No Contact Quitting LLC (NCQ), the company that resigns for you.

Helping employment at will employees of Arizona quit their jobs without the need to face their employer.

Our approach

At NCQ, we seek to revolutionize the way people quit their jobs. As a resignation outsourcing company, we assist Arizonans by contacting their employer on their behalf, resulting in an immediate guilt-free resignation. No more two-week notice, exit interviews, or feeling guilty. Let us do the awkward part for you, helping you escape the job you’re in, without the need to face your employer.

Quit my job for me

Providing you with ease of mind

Have anxiety about quitting? Want to quit during busy season? Never want to see your coworkers again? Now you don’t have to. We take on all the stress of the resignation process and quit your job for you. No more waiting for the right time or reason to resign.

Maximize your benefits

Many people put in their 2 week notice and then try to use their remaining sick days and PTO. This often results in an employer terminating the two-week notice early, denying you your entitled benefits. Not anymore! Use the benefits you are entitled to now, and let NCQ help you skip the guilt trip.

Did you know?

Your employer has no obligation to give you a two-week notice if they decide to fire you. So why should you have to serve a two-week notice? We believe insufficient backup to cover a resignation is the fault of greedy employers and should not be used to guilt employees into staying longer. Let NCQ help you avoid attempts to guilt you into staying in your job.


Equipment Drop Off

Have company equipment that you need dropped off? No worries – we’ve got you covered with our premium drop off package.

Our services

Meet our team

  • Jared S, Founder & CEO

  • Katie Z, Business Logistics

  • Greta M, Marketing Strategist

Get started with NCQ, today.